



ZJ2203-8 + 管理学

ZB3127-1 + 物流运营管理

ZB3159-1 + 供应链金融

ZX3153-01 + 物流管理概论


1Huang, G., Ding, Q., Dong, C., & Pan, Z. (2021). Joint optimization of pricing and inventory control for dual-channel problem under stochastic demand. Annals of Operations Research, 298, 307-337.

2Li, X., Huang, G.*, Chu, J., Zheng, B., & Huang, K. (2021). How retailer co-opetition impacts pricing, collecting and coordination in a closed-loop supply chain. Sustainability, 13(18), 10025.

3Huang, G., Zheng, B., Zou, B., & Cheng, T. C. E. (2022). Strategic role of charitable donation in supply chain coordination with consumer prosocial preference. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 164, 102777.

4Huang, G., Sun, K., & Zhou, T. (2022). Reselling or Agency Selling? The Optimal Pricing and Return Strategy for the Agricultural Product. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2022.

5Zheng, B., Jin, L., Huang, G., & Chu, J. (2022). Retailer’s optimal CSR investment in closed-loop supply chains: the impacts of supply chain structure and channel power structure. 4OR, 1-27.

6Tian, Q., Li, J., Huang, G.*, & Yuan, W. (2022). Solving an airport ground service task assignment problem with an exact algorithm. Plos One, 17(12), e0279131.